Monday, June 29, 2009

Library People

There are lots of stereotypes about “library people” that is, those who work in a library. Mystery and assumption about what they actually do, (beyond just sitting around and reading all day :-) ) and what kind of people they are in real life, is revealed pretty quickly as soon as I mention what it is I do for a living.

Over the past few months in response to some recognition from the outside world I got to thinking about our “people”. At Portland Public Library we employ 45.5 FTEs and their stories and accomplishments are rich. We have authors, artists, athletes, activists and musicians and much more among us.

Our recent authors include Gail Kesich Donovan (In Memory of Gorfman T. Frog published by Dutton Children’s Books) and Patti Delois (Bufflehead Sisters published by Berkley Books division of Penguin Books). Patti’s second novel, Penguins in Amsterdam, will be published in August 2010. Our musicians are many including Kurt Baker of punk group The Leftovers ( and, singer songwriter Jason Wilkins and Tom Wilsbach fiddler and Celtic musician who has performed widely in schools and clubs in our area.

This past April saw two of our maintenance and security crew honored through the National Arts Program sponsored by the City of Portland. Mark Upson sculpture entitled Pump Jack won Best in Show, while Wayne Frederick took a first place for his photograph Bare Bulbs.

So next time you think about library people or run into one in conversation, you might be surprised and delighted to learn who they are and what they do. Best of all, they bring those talents, interest and passion to work every day.

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