Friday, January 11, 2013

Help Build Some Great Maine Libraries

The history of public library funding in Maine has been overwhelmingly reliant on local funds.   Except for an occasional state bond referendum providing limited funds, there is no money for public library construction and there is no money to assist public libraries in their operations.  Past support, such as a .10 per capita state support, have long since disappeared so that library funding is provided by a combination of  local taxpayer  and private funds.   I suppose, given the tremendous use and affection for public libraries in this state, you could describe the situation as either perplexing or shameful.

That might be about to change.  The Maine Library Commission gained permission to include the Maine’s public libraries as a check off option on state tax returns.  All funds will be dedicated to the Maine Public Library Fund.  So hopefully the hundreds of thousands of Mainers who use their public libraries might take a moment and contribute and then reap the benefits of their generosity. 

Check-off your donation for Maine Libraries on your income tax Schedule CP form! For more information, please check out the Maine State Library's web-site at