Each year the Library funds its ability to buy materials of all kinds (print, media, electronic, etc) for every age and type of user through money from the endowment, fees and donations, most notably the Annual Fund. This year’s collection budget will depend on the Annual Fund to provide approximately 25% of the total budget. Our goal is $115,000 and right now we are more than a third toward reaching it. December is a critical month to expand our current total of approximately $45,000
Our friends at VOX Gallery are donating 20% of the sale of each photograph sold from the show, “Vox Photographs: Art Nouveau/New Work.” If you haven’t seen this show in our Lewis Gallery you have until December 31 to do so. It is terrific work.
So, buy a great work of art, or send us a check or donate online and take some great and deserved joy as you give the gift of reading this holiday season.